
Yes, we are hosting a Masquerade ball! I think the idea originally occurred to us about 4 years ago.  Why has it taken so long to actually do it?  Fear.  What if people don't show up?  What if they don't have costumes?  This is expensive to pull off, what if we lose a lot of money?  All valid reasons, but as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.  

Our Masquerade Ball will be held at The Fireside Inn & Suites on February 25th, 2017.  

We have been working closely with The fireside to get the decoration, atmosphere and general ambiance just right.  That said, we are still a rock / party band so this will be a rock / party Masquerade musically speaking.  Everything else we will try to do as close to "right" as we can.  

We realize dressing up for this is not "cost free".  We would hand out makes if we could afford it, but so far we have not found masks that are affordable to buy in bulk.  I'm going to have a great halloween costume for next year by doing this now, at least that's how I'm going to justify it.

So please dress up and get in the sprit of this event.  As far as we know a masquerade has never been attempted in the Upper Valley, let's make it a success and show everybody that fun events like this for no reason CAN work here, not just in big cities.  

Decorations & appetizers included, please come in costume, or at least with a mask for a reduced entry fee!

Details are still pending, but there will be a costume contest - prizes for best mask & best dressed.
Gothic, colonial styles encouraged.
Make your own mask, or buy one, just get in the spirit!
$20 advance, $30 the door.
Special hors d'oeuvres
cash bar

As far as we know this is the first time anything like this has been attempeted in the UV, lets make it great!

Some ideas here:


UPDATE:  Well it happened and it was...  AMAZING!

Thank you so much for your spirit and costumes, masks, everything was so, so great!